Grandfathers hold a special place in the hearts of their families and are often an important figure in many cultures around the world. In this article, we will explore how to say "grandfather" in 49 different languages, including various dialects and variations.

So, here is how you say grandfather in 49 different languages.
English: Grandfather
Spanish: Abuelo (ah-BWEH-loh)
French: Grand-père (grahn-pehr)
German: Großvater (GROHS-fah-tuhr)
Italian: Nonno (NOHN-noh)
Russian: дедушка (dyedyushka)
Chinese (Mandarin): 祖父 (zǔfù)
Japanese: おじいさん (ojiisan)
Korean: 할아버지 (harabeoji)
Arabic: جدّ (jadd)
Swahili: Babu (BAH-boo)
Hebrew: סבא (sav)
Portuguese: Avô (ah-VOH)
Dutch: Opa (OH-pah)
Greek: Παππού (papú)
Hungarian: Nagypapa (NYIGH-pah-pah)
Czech: Dědeček (DYEH-dyeh-chek)
Croatian: Djed (DYEH-d)
Serbian: Деда (dyedá)
Slovenian: Stari oče (STAH-ree OH-cheh)
Slovak: Starý otec (STAH-ree OH-tehts)
Ukrainian: Дідусь (didus)
Polish: Dziadek (JAH-dek)
Lithuanian: Senelis (SEH-neh-lis)
Latvian: Vecais tēvs (VEH-kah-is tehvs)
Estonian: Vanaisa (VAH-nah-ee-sah)
Finnish: Isoisä (EE-soh-ee-sah)
Swedish: Farfar (FAH-fahr)
Norwegian: Farfar (FAH-fahr)
Danish: Farfar (FAH-fahr)
Icelandic: Afi (AH-fee)
Irish: Seanathair (SHAN-ah-her)
Welsh: Tad-cu (TAD-koo)
Gaelic: Seanathair (SHAN-ah-her)
Cornish: Tasek (TAH-sek)
Breton: Tad-kozh (TAD-kozh)
Basque: Aitona (ah-ee-TOH-nah)
Catalan: Avi (AH-vee)
Galician: Avó (ah-VOH)
Portuguese (Brazil): Avô (ah-VOH)
Quechua: Waraq (WAH-rahk)
Tamil: Thaatha (THAH-thah)
Hindi: दादा (daadaa)
Bengali: দাদা (daadaa)
Marathi: दादा (daadaa)
Punjabi: ਦਾਦਾ (daadaa)
Urdu: دادا (daadaa)
Gujarati: દાદા (daadaa)
Kannada: ದಾದಾ (daadaa)
As you can see, there are many different ways to say "grandfather” in different languages, each with its own unique pronunciation and cultural significance. Whether you are looking to learn a new language or simply want to show your grandfather some extra love, we wish you a good time.