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Wedding Shoe Game Ultimate Guide

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July 4, 2024

The wedding shoe game is something that excites everyone at a wedding. It just makes the joyful day and the ceremony more happening and fun. That’s exactly why the Wedding Shoe Game has become so popular with everyone.

It allows the bride and groom to take a break and have fun with the guests. It works as a great icebreaker for the guests as well, they are entertained and there are laughs and conversations. Basically, a win-win for both. The Wedding Shoe Game is one of the most popular reception games because it is simple to play, and set up, and perfect for all the guests as well. So, let’s find out everything you need to know about this exciting game.

What Is A Wedding Shoe Game?

A wedding shoe game is a fun way to test how well the bride and groom know each other by answering a series of questions without seeing how the other is responding. When the host asks a question the bride and groom need to raise either their shoe or their partner’s depending on whose tendencies the question represents. They can even lift both shoes in case they want to consider it a tie. 

It is a popular reception game because it involves the guests, gives the couple a breather, and gets the party rolling. 

How To Play A Wedding Shoe Game?

The wedding shoe game is simple to play and requires minimum setup or prep. But obviously, you have to come prepared with a list of questions and basic things needed for the game. So, let’s figure out how you can plan a wedding shoe game at your or a friend’s reception.

Plan The Setup

The setup is quite simple and won’t require too much work. You simply need two chairs that are facing back to back. The idea is that the couple should not be able to see each other and their answers because that’s what makes this game exciting and fun. 

But you can go ahead and decorate the chairs as per the wedding theme and even add some props. Like adding some balloons to the chair or flowers or getting chairs with some unique designs. Ideally, you would want to set this up in the middle of the reception area so that it involves all the guests. 

Once the couple is seated in the chairs, ask them to take off their shoes and give one of their shoes to the partner and vice versa. The bride and groom should have in their hand one of their own shoes and one of their partner’s shoes. 

Find A Great Host

Any party or event is as good as its host. So finding a charming and good host is very important. You need to find someone who is comfortable speaking in front of a crowd, can make impromptu jokes, and at the same time keep the guests engaged. 

The best thing would be to choose a host or MC within the family - either the best man, bridesmaid or uncle/aunty. Whoever you choose as the host will have to come prepared with a list of questions to ask the couple. 

Create A List Of Questions

A wedding shoe game includes questions that should start with “Who” like for example, “who is the better driver?” or “Who is the better cook?”. 

Prepare the list of questions (make sure you don’t have too many of them) before the event so that the host is ready. You can get them printed on cards based on the wedding theme or simply use a phone to read them out. Just make sure that the couples do have an idea about any of the questions! 

You can even involve the guests by passing a piece of paper and asking them to write down questions that they would like to ask the couple. Then you can choose a few and ask them as well.

Types Of Questions For The Ultimate Wedding Shoe Game

When it comes to any game, the key is to keep it short and fun to make the most of it. So, make sure that you include max 20-25 questions. Keep the questions a mix of everyday life and personal things. 

Start with simple questions to get the couple and the crowd rolling and once the newlyweds are comfortable, you can move on to more personal questions.

Here are some fun questions you can include to host the best wedding shoe game.

  • Who is the best cook?
  • Who makes the better breakfast?
  • Who makes the best coffee?
  • Who likes to do shopping the most?
  • Who's more likely to leave dishes in the sink?
  • Who hogs the blankets?
  • Who has better hair?
  • Who spends more time on social media?
  • Who chose the honeymoon location?
  • Who said "I love you" first?
  • Who is more likely to start an argument?
  • Who is the romantic one?
  • Who has better dress sense?
  • Who's more stubborn?
  • Who is more likely to be late?
  • Who talks the most?
  • Who saves more money?
  • Who is the party animal?
  • Who flirts a lot?
  • Who is more talkative?
  • Who is the foodie?
  • Who is the workaholic?
  • Who eats more junk food?
  • Who is the health freak?
  • Who’s a night owl?
  • Who’s the better dancer?
  • Who is the better kisser?
  • Who made the first move?

When it comes to fun icebreaker and engaging reception games, the wedding shoe game tops the list. We hope that with this blog now you have everything you need to know and play the ultimate wedding shoe game.