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Wedding: When Do I Have To RSVP By?

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August 16, 2023

Weddings are beautiful, a day when you celebrate two people coming together for life! But weddings are also stressful, there is a lot of planning, prep, and lots of things to do to make sure the D-Day goes smoothly. One such thing the couple has to plan for is the wedding invitations and the RSVP date. 

What Is An RSVP

RSVP stands for “répondez s’il vous plait”, it is a French term and means “respond if you please or just “please respond”. 

Usually, wedding invitations come with an RSVP deadline asking you to reply back to the invite. It is a way for the invitees to know who will be attending the wedding and who will be not. You can’t just turn up at someone’s wedding unannounced, you have to RSVP in advance and let them know you are coming. 

Wedding invitations have an RSVP deadline by which the invitees expect your response. This is usually three to four weeks before the wedding as this gives them enough time to prepare and accommodate all the guests and get the final headcount. 

What Factors To Consider Before You RSVP

Before you RSVP for a wedding, you might want to consider a few things. Like the location of the wedding, would you be able to travel? This is especially important for destination weddings. The cost, traveling and bookings are a few things you would have to consider.

Another factor is work. Check if you need to take time off work for the day and if that is possible. If you have kids would you be able to arrange for childcare and whether you have the appropriate outfit? 

Once you have factored in everything for the wedding, you should send your RSVP reply as soon as possible to the invitee. A three-week advance reply is ideal for any wedding.

Why Sending Your RSVP Reply On Time Is Important

Weddings are a big event that needs to be planned in advance. 

The couple has to give the final headcount based on the RSVPs to the venue and the caterer at least two weeks before the wedding. They need to make the table plans and seating arrangements based on the number of people coming for the wedding. Furthermore, there are wedding favors that need to be ordered, wine bottles, table centerpieces and so many other small things that depend on the final count of people.

This is why it is always recommended that you reply to an RSVP at least three to four weeks before the wedding. Sometimes people think that if they are not going it is not important to reply back but that’s not the case. Whether you are coming to the wedding or not, you have to reply back to the invitee to give them a clear idea.


There are lots of moving parts that come together on the wedding day and most of them depend on how many people will be there to see the beautiful couple say “I do” and that’s exactly why it is so important for you to RSVP for a wedding on time.